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Do You Have a Laxative Income?

One of my friends, Kevin, who happens to be a phenomenal photographer, coined that phrase just a day ago. He was referring to his own income stream. He said the money comes in, then goes right back out way too fast! I would add that it’s also very uncomfortable when it happens!

Okay, for anyone still reading and not grossed out yet there is a point to this, I promise! 😉

How many of us can describe our income in a similar, (less graphic), manner?

So many of us have only one stream of income coming in, (our job), yet multiple streams going out; think mortgage, car payments, utilities, insurance, food, gasoline, bills, etc…is it any wonder most people have more month left at the end of their money? What can we all do about it?

The answer that most people think of is actually the wrong answer. Most people think that if they simply made more money, their money problems would go away. If that were true, lottery winners would remain millionaires rather than going broke after their good fortune, but the vast majority of them are worse off after about 5 years. That tells me that there’s something else at play here. It is how they think when it comes to money. See my previous post Money View.

Some additional resources that I found helpful include the Maximize your Finances pack available through the LIFE offering of products. They talk about crazy things in there like living within your means, delaying your gratification, setting a budget. You know, all the things that are a good idea to do, for some reason they never get done.

Do it! 🙂

God bless,


The First Guy Through the Wall Always Gets Bloody

That was a quote that I took from the movie Moneyball. I believe that one line captures so much. It is a perfect example of what people have to go through when attempting something great, something that other people think you are crazy for even attempting.

The management thought Billy Bean was loony for his new system of recruiting players. From my vantage point, is was actually pretty loony watching how the management was picking players. I heard comments such as, “He’s got a good face. He looks the part.” and “He’s got a really smooth swing. I like his swing.” Also, “His girlfriend is ugly. That means he’s got no confidence.”

Then Billy Bean comes to them using a system that actually paid attention to their statistics, rather than those gut feelings, or perceptions. To me, that means they actually cut through all the crud, and actually studied what Top Leadership Guru, Orrin Woodward, calls the Scoreboard.

Keeping score in the right areas in life, business, baseball, you name it makes all the difference. Major on the majors. Pay attention only to what matters. Everything else is pooge. For example, if your husband loads and then runs the dishwasher, then you go to unload it and see that he didn’t load it “right” (which only means he didn’t load it how you would), if you want him to continue doing the dishes say absolutely nothing about how he loaded it and merely thank him for doing it. Which is more important, his effort to help with the housework, or the fact that the cup was on the wrong rack? (By the way, no my wife doesn’t do this. She understands this principle.) 🙂

Back to the main point, though. Until any process is proven, the first to attempt are always going to get bloodied, battered, criticized, ostracized, lambasted in the media even, talked about behind their back, looked at funny, and many other ways that people use to make them feel bad about the decision they’ve made. Once the process is proven, though, you will find those same people touting the merits of the person, process, and results.

Keep the faith. If you know something to be true, you know something will work, you have the utmost confidence and respect in something, it is morally good, and you believe in it, move boldly forward. A man or woman of integrity expects to be believed, and when they aren’t, will let time prove them right.

God bless,

Nate Miller


Money View

Everyone has a unique perspective of the world as seen through their own eyes.  We call it a “World View.” We have all spent years building individualized maps on how to deal with different situations and events in our lives. But read Chris Brady’s explanation as he discusses the “Money View Concept,” and you will begin to open your eyes and widen the range of how you perceive EVERYTHING in life in regards to finances and expand your thinking on all of the possibilities that lie before you!

I know I had a Money View that I grew up with that I have had to change even to reach the small amount of success that I enjoy today.  Enjoy this short video as #12 Leadership Guru Chris Brady gives a frame of reference on understanding a Money View.